Professionals & Adult Allies
“We cannot always build the future
for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future”
— Franklin D. Roosevelt
Promotive & Prevention Mindsets (60 minutes)
The Promotive & Preventive Profile Assessment is part of a research study that we are doing to understand goals and strategies about ways people consider more care and less harm in their surroundings. It takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete and will help you make sense of how you define success and failure, how to reduce conflict, and increase cooperation and collaboration on teams.
Introduction to Risk and Protective Factors (3 hours)
The Risk and Protective Factors 101 introduces professionals to the basics of positive youth development and prevention science. The presentation covers how to identify problems (e.g., mental distress, substance use, bullying) and possibilities (e.g., mental wellness, prosocial behavior), analyze risk factors and protective factors, and select/implement promoting, protecting and prevention pathways influencing healthy development. Also, participants complete a brief self-assessment on their mindset to determine if they have a promotion or prevention bias. Together, we can intervene upstream before problems harm youth development.
Supporting Youth-Led Change (3 hours)
Adult allies learn the Promotion & Prevention Change model to support youth receiving youth-led promotion & prevention, youth-led resilience, and promotion & prevention leadership programs. The Promotion & Prevention Change Model integrates disparate fields by blending individual-level and systems-level change. The model is based on individuals’ motivation for change using the promotion system or prevention system (Higgins, 1997; Scholer et al., 2019) and a team-based change process for promotion and prevention initiatives (e.g., adapted from SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework). Simply put, our 5-step model guides leaders to examine change across levels, settings, and contexts.
Want to initiate Youth-led Resilience Promotion?
Adult allies (school psychologists, counselors, social workers, administrators, teachers, and non-profit staff) can support students in youth-led resilience promotion. We have a framework of six principles and 12 recommendations for building, supporting, and sustaining resilience promotion. Click below to learn more about the program and then complete the form and we will send you the toolkit to get started—framework, templates, and program materials—to promote resilience.