• Step #1: Discover your Mindsets

    Want to learn more about your mindsets? In 7-10 minutes, you can receive a customized profile of your mindsets. Please consider checking the box to share your mindsets data with our research team and partner at the University of Missouri.

  • Step #2: Record your Scores

    What is your preferred mindset? What are your mindset scores? What do promotive and preventive mindsets notice, consider success, and failure? What are the strengths and biases? Download the template, print it, and complete it.

  • Step #3: Read about Resilience Promotion

    Our article—“Youth-led resilience promotion: A proposed framework, innovative program, and lessons learned”—is being published in a journal of the American Psychological Association, Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.

  • Step #4: Learn about the Program

    Read the overview, process, and outcomes of our Youth-Led Resilience Promotion (YLRP) program. Then, sign up for our email blasts to receive no-cost materials to implement YLRP at your school.

 To receive the OASSA presentation slides, materials and a chance for 2-hr coaching, please complete the information below.


Feel free to also send a personal email me, Shane McCarty, at shane@promotecarepreventharm.org