Youth-led Change Institute

90 min | Mindset Assessment | Leadership Development


Promotion & Prevention Leadership is for youth leaders who know the problem they want to solve, but need guidance for “how to create youth-led change.”

By learning to use a guiding framework and the science of motivation, participants gain the skills and knowledge to address problems (e.g., mental health concerns, violence, substance use) and achieve aspirations (e.g., mental wellness, peace, connection) in their schools and communities.

Our program trains participants to utilize promotion and prevention science to create holistic goals, motivate and inspire others, and select the right strategies to create meaningful individual, team, and school/ community change.


Explore how your mindset, and understanding of others’ mindset, can reduce conflict on teams, create shared goals among teammates, enhance collaboration, enhance problem-solving skills, and increase self-efficacy.



Step 1

Complete a promotive or preventive profile assessment to determine your prosocial motivational mindset (promotive, preventive, mixed).

Step 2

Be placed into promotion, prevention, or mixed tracks based on your profile results.

Step 3

Learn the Promotion & Prevention Change Model, and how your promotive or preventive thinking influences your assessment of the current state and desired end states of change.

Step 4

Learn how to set your promotion or prevention goals, and various promotion & prevention strategies.


Participants will be able to articulate…

  • Identify their orientation towards promotive
    or preventive thinking

  • Articulate the differences in motivation between promotive and preventive thinkers

  • Articulate how promotive and
    preventive thinkers view problems or possibilities differently

  • Articulate how mindsets are developed,
    strengths of each mindset, and biases associate with each mindset

  • Articulate the 5 steps of the Promotion & Prevention Change Model

  • Articulate the value of, and differences between, promotion & prevention goals

  • Articulate the differences between universal, targeted, and indicated promotion &
    prevention change strategies

  • Articulate how promotion & prevention approaches to change can reduce conflict on teams, create shared goals among teammates, enhance collaboration, enhance problem-solving skills, and increase self-efficacy.

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